Friday, May 28, 2010

Hong Kong ~ May 27, 2010

A thirteen hour flight. I gained consciousness somewhere above the Pacific Ocean. My feet are swollen and my toes look like sausages. All things considered, a very luxurious airline experience.
The air in Hong Kong reminds me of the Caribbean; a feeling that makes me quite comfortable. My skin is softening and my hair is forming ringlets from the humidity.

From this airport on its own island I can see Hong Kong in the distance. Tall conformist buildings nestled against mountains shrouded in clouds. The airport is filled with clean lines and corporate culture. And candy. Everything seems to be in it's perfect place.
A man sits across from me eating noodle soup for breakfast. He slurps loudly and makes a mess
on the table. I find it endearing. I should be drinking more water.
Asian women... They are so beautiful. I have an attraction and a tendency to stare at the women who shine with the the look of the islands. I am not exoticising them...they are simply stunning to me; this makes me feel insecure in my plain-ness.

And now I board a plane to Singapore.

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